This script reads the value on analog pin 0 and write the value on the serial port every 150 milliseconds.
const int SENSOR = 0; const int LED = 13; int val = 0; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(LED,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(LED,LOW); } void loop() { val = analogRead(SENSOR); Serial.println(val); delay(150); }You then just need a client that reads the data and displays it in some clever way. The companion language for clients for Arduino is "Processing" - a java library that makes it easy to write graphical clients. There is also a companion version - Processing.js - written by John Resig that cleverly compiles Processing code into Javascript so that programs written in this language can be displayed on web pages without the need for a java applet.
The following Processing script displays an eye graphic that changes pupil size based on the relative brightness of light sensed on the analog pin 0 (via a photoresistor).
// This sketch uses serial IO to communicate with the Arduino. // The Arduino is writing out values from // analog input 0 - which in this case has a photoresistor // on it. // // The code auto-scales based on lowest and highest readings // and draws a "pupil" in proportion to the amount of light // sensed. // import processing.serial.*; Serial myPort; int minval=9999; int maxval=0; float r=0; int a0; PFont f; void setup() { size(200, 200); myPort = new Serial(this,"/dev/cu.usbmodemfd121",9600); myPort.clear(); f = createFont("Krungthep",20,true); smooth(); } // Reads string between two delimiters in serial stream String readLine(Serial p,int firstDelim, int secondDelim) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Boolean isFirstDelim = false; int c; while (true) { while ((c = < 0); if (!isFirstDelim) { if (c != firstDelim) continue; isFirstDelim = true; } else if (c != secondDelim) sb.append((char)c); else break; } return sb.toString(); } void getReading() { String line; if (myPort.available()>0) { line = readLine(myPort,10,13); if (line != null && line.length()>0) a0 = Integer.parseInt(line); } } void draw() { background(255); textFont(f); textAlign(CENTER); getReading(); if (a0 < minval) minval = a0; if (a0 > maxval) maxval = a0; if (maxval==minval || abs(maxval-minval) <= 20) r=60; else { r = (float) abs(a0-minval) / (float) abs(maxval-minval); r *= 50; r += 10; } pushMatrix(); translate(20,40); drawEye(r); popMatrix(); fill(0,127,127); text("A0="+a0,width/2,height-25); if (mousePressed) { minval = 9999; maxval = 0; } } void drawEye(float pupilSize) { int theta=0; pushStyle(); stroke(0); noFill(); bezier(0,40,30,-12,130,-12,160,40); bezier(0,40,30,92,130,92,160,40); pushMatrix(); fill(#9B9DF7); ellipse(80,40,80,80); translate(80,40); for (int i=0;i<360;i+=(360/12)) { rotate((2*PI)/12); line(-40,0,40,0); } fill(0); ellipse(0,0,pupilSize,pupilSize); fill(255); ellipse(15,-15,8,8); popMatrix(); popStyle(); }